Company Online Marketing

How to Increase Your Search Traffic Without Building Links

Are you looking for a Company of Online Marketing to help you advertise your business online? 

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For over 12 years we have been active in online marketing and management consulting and have developed marketing strategies and digitalization processes for small companies and global corporations. 

We will help you to build and manage online marketing channels for your business.

In addition, we can give you deep insights into relevant KPIs and comprehensive marketing strategies.

It would be great if you could share your website URL so that we can show you comprehensive tips & tricks on many topics so that your business also becomes digitally successful.

Tag: Company Online Marketing

Content Optimization and SEO

Let us discuss content optimization and SEO separately to know more about them and which matters most for your marketing.

What Does SEO stand for and it’s meaning?

SEO stands for search engine optimization. It is related to all the methods or techniques you use to establish your website or business on top of search engine results. Different on-page and off-page techniques are used for the same, some of them are listed below-

· Using local keywords related to your business product and services

· The user experience has to be a top-notch priority

· High-quality backlinks should be built

· Social media presence is again should be at high priority with customer satisfaction results and ratings

All the methods listed are to be done altogether to rank higher in search engine results, which are related to your business product and services.

Now it’s time to know What Content Optimization Means?

Content optimization basically means creating pages on the website that will increase or catch the interest of visitors, and these pages will help to turn the visitors into a significant number of customers. Web pages can be created using blog posts, infographics, videos, articles, and many more to name depending upon the type of product and service your company provides, depending upon the interest of the target audience.

The link between Content Optimization and SEO

Everything seems a bit confusing, no? Don’t worry, people get confused while understanding both simultaneously as both of them intersect each other a bit.

There is no harm to say that Content Optimization and SEO have mutual relation between them, let us say, targeted keywords are important or both.

If you provide strong and correct content on your website that will eventually help in SEO. These two terms cannot be separated from each other, both hold equal importance for website ranking.

Topic modeling is an important technique for content optimization. Topic modeling includes how the phrases and words are interrelated with each other.

How authoritative content is made?

Following tips to keep in mind if you want to create authoritative content on your own:

· Firstly, determine the pursuit and focus of your content. Decide what kind of keywords will be targeted in the website’s content. You must start with the most important or useful pages.

· Secondly, keep researching your content’s topic and your targeted audience interest

The plagiarism check technique is a common and important technique to improve the content optimization and SEO technique of your website. Checking for plagiarism increases the chances of ranking the website on the top page of a user’s search.

Suggested tools that help to check plagiarism:

1. DupliChecker

2. SmallSEOTools

3. Grammarly

4. PlagiarismDetector


Looking for SEO Services at an Affordable Cost? Visit Always Digital Marketing now!!!

Is Profile backlink is important for SEO?

Profile backlink

Absolutely Yes, Profile linking is one of the ways by which you can link back to your site. It involves adding your website URLs to the personal, professional, or business profiles that you create on various websites. The more backlinks increase the value of the website, and the more value increases the more rank to your website.

Here are some important profile backlinking sites that will help to increase the website rank:




Free pdf submission sites list 2021

Free pdf submission sites list 2021
PDF submission is an off-page SEO technique that is one of the most influential ways of backlinking. It helps in submitting the PDF to various sites and gain maximum visibility for your website. The PDF documents can be optimized for getting higher ranks in the results of the search engine.

What makes a website search engine friendly?

On Page List

There is an extremely long list of all the factors that are a part of your rank in the Google Search Engine. Google even has its own search quality evaluation guidelines that are frequently updated and worth checking out. However, having this big list it’s really hard not to lose your tactics and know what to look for to improve your ranking. So in between hundreds of all the factors, here are the main ones I would exclude that need more attention:

Meta Title: Your webpage’s meta title is an HTML tag that defines the title of your page. This tag displays your page title in search engine results, at the top of a user’s browser, and also when your page is bookmarked in a list of favorites. A concise, descriptive title tag that accurately reflects your page’s topic is important for ranking well in search engines. 

Meta Description: Your webpage’s meta description is an HTML tag that is intended to provide a short and accurate summary of your page. Search engines use meta descriptions to help identify a page’s topic – they may also use meta descriptions by displaying them directly in search engine results. Accurate and inviting meta descriptions can help boost both your search engine rankings and a user’s likelihood of clicking through to your page.

Meta Keywords: Meta Keywords are a specific type of meta tag that appears in the HTML code of a Web page and help tell search engines what the topic of the page is.

Heading Tags: Check if your webpage is using any H1 and H2 HTML header tags. Header tags are not visible to users, but help clarify and support the overall theme or purpose of your page to search engines. The H1 tag represents the most important heading, e.g., the title of the page or blog post. The H2 tag represents the second most important headings on the webpages, e.g., the subheadings.

Competitor Domains: Some of the most relevant competitors for your domain are listed below.

Robots.txt: Check if your website is using a robots.txt file. When search engine robots crawl a website, they typically first access a site’s robots.txt file. Robots.txt tells Googlebot and other crawlers what is and is not allowed to be crawled on your site.

XML Sitemap: Check if the website has a sitemap. A sitemap is important as it lists all the web pages of the site and lets search engine crawlers crawl the website more intelligently. A sitemap also provides valuable metadata for each webpage.

Urllist.txt: – URLlist.txt is used as a sitemap for the Yahoo search engine.

HTML Sitemap: – Html sitemap is not present on your website, Using HTML sitemaps for SEO is a powerful alternative to using anchor text links in the primary navigation to ensure deeper pages get crawled. HTML sitemaps create a significant and distinct type of residual ranking factor that is crawled by all search engines that XML sitemaps simply cannot replicate.

ROR Xml: – ROR is not present on your website, ROR feeds are pushed as a more detailed Google Sitemaps option because it allows you to put information about products, services, feeds, articles, reviews, archives, and many other objects, all of which can be indexed by all of the major search engines.

Broken Links: Check if your website has any broken or dead links. This tool scans your website to locate both broken internal links (pointing within your website) and external broken links (pointing outside of your website). Broken links negatively impact the user experience and damage your website’s overall ranking with search engines.

SEO Friendly URL: Check if your webpage URLs are SEO friendly. In order for links to be SEO-friendly, they should contain keywords relevant to the page’s topic and contain no spaces, underscores, or other characters. You should avoid the use of parameters when possible, as they make URLs less inviting for users to click or share. Google’s suggestions for URL structure specify using hyphens or dashes (-) rather than underscores (_). Unlike underscores, Google treats hyphens as separators between words in a URL.

Missing Alt Tags: Check if images on your webpage are using alt attributes. If an image cannot be displayed (e.g., due to broken image source, slow internet connection, etc), the alt attribute provides alternative information. Using relevant keywords and text in the alt attribute can help both users and search engines better interpret the subject of an image. 

Inline CSS: Check your webpage HTML tags for inline CSS properties. Inline CSS properties are added by using the style attribute within specific HTML tags. Inline CSS properties unnecessarily increase page size and can be moved to an external CSS stylesheet. Removing inline CSS properties can improve page loading time and make site maintenance easier.

Deprecated HTML Tags: Check if your webpage is using old, deprecated HTML tags. These tags will eventually lose browser support and your web pages may render incorrectly as browsers drop support for these tags. 

Google Analytics: Check if your website is connected with Google Analytics. Google Analytics is a popular, free website analysis tool that helps provide insights about your site’s traffic and demographics.

Google Webmaster: It is used to track your site’s search performance with Google Search Console and our additional webmaster resources.

Favicon Icon: Check if your site is using and correctly implementing a favicon. Favicons are small icons that appear in your browser’s URL navigation bar. They are also saved next to your URL’s title when your page is bookmarked. This helps brand your site and make it easy for users to navigate to your site among a list of bookmarks. 

JS Error: Check your page for JavaScript errors. These errors may prevent users from properly viewing your pages and impact their user experience. Sites with poor user experience tend to rank worse in search engine results. 

Social Media: Check if your page is connected to one or more of the popular social networks. Social signals become increasingly important as ranking factors for search engines to validate a site’s trustworthiness and authority. 

HTML Page Size: Check your page’s HTML size. HTML size is the size of all the HTML code on your web page – this size does not include images, external javascript, or external CSS files.

HTML Compression/GZIP: Check if your website is using HTML compression. HTML compression plays an important role in improving website speed by finding similar strings within a text file and replacing them temporarily to reduce overall file size.

Site Loading Speed: Check your website’s loading speed. Page speed is an important factor in search engine rankings and overall site success. Pages that take longer than 5 seconds to load can lose up to 50% of users. Faster webpages result in higher traffic, better conversions, and increased sales over slower loading pages. 

JavaScript Minification: Checks if any external javascript files used in your page are minified. Minified files reduce page size and overall load time.

CSS Minification: Checks if any CSS files used in your page are minified. Minified files reduce page size and overall load time. 

Nested Tables: Check if this site contains nested tables. A nested table is an HTML table containing another table inside it. The use of nested tables can slow down page rendering in the user’s browser.

Frameset: Check if your page is using frames, which divide your browser window into multiple sections where each section can load separate HTML documents. Frames create problems for both users (e.g., by creating unexpected behavior with printing functions or use of the back-button) and search engine robots (by complicating the crawling process). Avoid the use of frames when possible.

Doctype: Check for doctype declaration. A document type declaration, or DOCTYPE, defines which version of (X)HTML your webpage is using. Proper doctype declaration assists with proper page rendering and functioning of web documents in compliant browsers.

URL Redirects: Check how many redirects your URL will perform to resolve to the final destination URL. Redirects often cause search engine indexing issues and can also lead to some minor loading delays. Google recommends removing or keeping redirects to a minimum. 

URL Canonicalization: Test your site for potential URL canonicalization issues. Canonicalization describes how a site can use slightly different URLs for the same page (e.g., if and display the same page but do not resolve to the same URL). If this happens, search engines may be unsure about which URL is the correct one to index. 

HTTPS Test: Check if your website is using HTTPS, a secure protocol for sending/receiving data over the Internet. Using HTTPS indicates that an additional encryption/authentication layer was added between client and server. HTTPS should be used by any site that collects sensitive customer data such as credit card information. Even for sites that do not collect such data, switching to HTTPS helps users by improving privacy and overall security. Google is increasingly using HTTPS as a positive ranking factor. 

Safe Browsing: Check if your website is identified as having malware or exhibiting phishing activity by Google’s safe browsing API. Any site containing malware or suspicious for phising activity is seen as a threat to the online community and is often penalized by search engines. This test checks your website against regularly updated malware and phishing databases of problem websites.

Server Signature: Check if your server’s signature is ON. A server signature is the public identity of your web server and contains sensitive information that could be used to exploit any known vulnerability. Turning your server signature OFF is considered a good security practice to avoid disclosure of what software versions you are running.

Directory Browsing: Check if your server allows directory browsing. If directory browsing is disabled, visitors will not be able to browse your directory by accessing the directory directly (if there is no index.html file). This will protect your files from being exposed to the public. Apache webserver allows directory browsing by default. Disabling directory browsing is generally a good idea from a security standpoint. 

Plaintext Emails: Check your webpage for plaintext email addresses. Any e-mail address posted in public is likely to be automatically collected by computer software used by bulk emailers (a process known as e-mail address harvesting). A spam harvester can read through the pages in your site and extract plaintext email addresses which are then added to bulk marketing databases (resulting in more inbox spam). There are several methods for email obfuscation.

Media Query Responsive: Check if your page implements responsive design functionalities using the media query technique. The ‘@media’ rule allows different style rules for screen sizes. Media query techniques allow different presentations and content to be served depending on the output device, helping ensure that your website renders optimally on all devices and platforms. 

Structured Data: Check if your website uses HTML Microdata specifications (or structured data markup). Search engines use microdata to better understand the content of your site and create rich snippets in search results (which helps increase the click-through rate to your site).

Custom 404 Error Page: This SEO test will check if your website is using a custom 404 error page. By creating a custom 404 error page, you can improve your website’s user experience by letting users know that only a specific page is missing/broken (and not your entire site), providing them helpful links, the opportunity to report bugs, and potentially track the source of broken links in your site.

Noindex Tag: Check if your webpage is using the robots meta tag or the X-Robots-Tag HTTP header to instruct search engines not to show your site in search results pages.

Canonical Tag: Check if your webpage is using the canonical link tag. The canonical link tag is used to nominate a primary page when you have several pages with duplicate or very similar content. 

Nofollow Tag: Check if your webpage is using the robots meta tag or the X-Robots-Tag HTTP header to instruct search engines not to follow the links on your page. Outgoing links marked with this tag will tell search engines not to follow or crawl that particular link. Google recommends that no-follow tags are used for paid advertisements on your site and links to pages that have not been vetted as trusted sites (e.g., links posted by users of your site). 

SPF Records: Check if your DNS records contain an SPF record. SPF (Sender Policy Framework) records allow email systems to verify if a given mail server has been authorized to send mail on behalf of your domain. Creating an SPF record increases email delivery rates by reducing the likelihood of your email being marked as spam.


What sites will help increase your blog traffic?

How To Get Traffic To My Blog For Free

There are lots of great methods to generate traffic to your blog from free to paid. We would like to share some high pr websites that will provide targeted traffic.

Here you go:

Social Sites for Web Blog Traffic:

Looking for a Digital Marketing Agency to get backlinks on the article submission sites? Contact us now

How should an SEO proposal be prepared?

SEO Plan

A good SEO proposal usually looks like a pitch to your prospective clients highlighting your services, fees, and approach to get results for the client.
It could be considered as your SEO strategy template that you use over and over again, and tweak depending on the client-specific needs. It is also a marketing tool to help clients understand just what it is you do and how you can help them get more traffic and leads for their website.

If you want to look for a plan or want to create a new plan then you can follow the below checklist.

1 Set Up Google Analytics
2 Set Up Google Search Console
3 Install an SEO Solution for Your Website
4 Set Up Uptime Monitoring
5 Set Up Keyword Rank Tracking
6 Check for About, Contact, Privacy Policy, and TOS Pages
7 Check for Pretty Permalinks
8 Check the Site is Mobile Friendly
9 Check the Site Loads Fast
10 Keep URLs Short
11 Check and Optimize Your 404 Page
12 Make it Easy to Share Your Content
13 Claim Your Brand on Multiple Social Networks
14 Use Heatmaps to See What Users Actually See
15 Use a Top-Performing Web Host
16 Check The Server is Located Close to Your Service Area
17 Use a CDN
18 Check for GZIP Compression
19 Check for HTTP/2
20 Use a Caching Solution
21 Minify JS/CSS Files
22 Resize Large Images at Upload
23 Compress and Optimize Images
24 Lazy Load Images & Iframes(YouTube embeds, etc)
25 Update Technology
26 Optimize Database
27 Switch to Https
28 Check for One Single www Version
29 Fix mixed content
30 Create a Sitemap & Add it to Google Search Console(GSC)
31 Create a robots.txt File
32 Check that URLs have redirected to / or the canonical is set to /
33 Check and Fix Broken Links
34 Check and Fix Redirect Chains
35 Fix Missing and Duplicate Meta Titles and Descriptions
36 Use Redirects Properly
37 Check for Index Coverage Issues
38 Check for Manual Penalties
39 Keep Pages at Maximum 3 Clicks from Reach
40 Use “noindex” and “nofollow” Tags Properly
41 Disable Irrelevant Content from Being Indexed
42 Do Keyword Research
43 Have a Solid SEO Content Strategy
44 Create Long-Form Content
45 Create 10x Content
46 Identify & Fix Keyword Cannibalization
47 Identify & Fix Duplicate Content
48 Create Content Hubs
49 “Feed” the Hubs with Supporting Content
50 Update Content on a Regular Basis
51 Add Content to Your Categories
52 Build Up E-A-T
53 Write for People, Not for Search Engines
54 Check the Target Keyword Matches User Intent
55 Have the target keyword in URL, Title, and Heading
56 Use Focus Keyword in 1st Paragraph
57 Use a Single H1 on Each Page
58 Set an Enticing, yet SEO-Oriented Meta Title
59 Write a Compelling Meta Description
60 Use Subheadings for Content Hierarchy
61 Format and Style the Content Properly
62 Link to Relevant Inner Pages(Internal Linking)
63 Link out to Relevant, Authoritative Websites
64 Never Link to a Page/Website with the Same Anchor the Current Page is Targeting
65 Name Your Images Properly
66 Set Images Alt Text
67 Check for Social Markup
68 Check Dwell Time and Optimize It
69 Strike for the Featured Snippet
70 Don’t Over-Optimize
71 Have a Solid Link Building Strategy
72 Build Foundational Links
73 Interlink Social Networks
74 Guest Post on Niche-Related Blogs
75 Ask Partners you’ve Worked with for a Link
76 Turn Brand Mentions into Links
77 Use Social Signals to Boost your Page Rankings
78 Schedule Social Posting
79 Claim your Google My Business Listing
80 Claim Your Yelp Listing
81 Claim your Bing Places for Business Listing
82 Optimize Listings
83 Get on General Relevant Directories
84 Get on Niche-specific Directories
85 Reply to Reviews
86 Reach Out for Reviews
87 Publish Google Posts
88 Check for Site-wide NAP Details
89 Have Consistent NAP Details Across the Site
90 Have Consistent NAP Details on Listings & Social Networks
91 Have a Content Strategy Targeting Local Topics
92 Claim Brand Mentions from Local Sites
93 Add Local Business Markup to your Homepage

If you are looking for an SEO strategy: here are the steps to create an SEO strategy in 2020:

  1. Step #1: Create a List of Keywords
  2. Step #2: Analyze Google’s First Page
  3. Step #3: Create Something Different or Better
  4. Step #4: Add a Hook
  5. Step #5: Optimize For On-Page SEO
  6. Step #6: Optimize For Search Intent
  7. Step #7: Make Your Content Look Awesome
  8. Step #8: Build Links to Your Page
  9. Step #9: Improve and Update Your Content

But if you are actually looking for an SEO plan, You need to hire an EXPERT.

Top Reasons Why Your Business Absolutely Needs SEO

Top Reasons Why Your Business Absolutely Needs SEO

Your business obviously has a target market it is catering to. By creating and publishing relevant content that focuses on topics related to your business, you have a chance to reach out to your target audience via search engines like google, yahoo, and others. And if your content is worth it, then search engines like Google will not hesitate to rank you higher. Which helps you generate targeted traffic to your site at no extra cost? Your content needs to work in conjunction with your business goals so that you can build real trust with your visitors. Successful SEO is not just about getting people to your website. It’s also about getting them to take the right actions once they are there.

Let’s now look into a few ways SEO can help your business go to the next level in terms of both, Traffic and Revenue.

#1: SEO Boosts Inbound Traffic on your website.
#2: SEO Leads to More Customers.
#3: SEO Helps Build Trust and Credibility.
#4: Local SEO Equals More High Converting Traffic.
#5: SEO Fetches You More Business Referrals.
#6: SEO Gives Your Business Long-Lasting Results.
#7: SEO Has the One of the Best ROI’s.
#8: SEO Makes Your Site More and More User-Friendly.
#9: SEO Helps Increase Brand Value.

Search engines and SEO are very powerful. If your competitors are doing SEO marketing, simply you must ask yourself why you haven’t invested in such a strategy yet too.

At “Always Digital Marketing” we help you optimize your business websites for maximum web exposure for top SERPs.

Top 5 SEO Companies in the world

Top 5 SEO Companies in the world

Looking for the best SEO companies in the world? Here is the list of top search engine optimization (SEO) agencies in the world that can deliver result-driven SEO Services. A general user’s patience can last up to a maximum of the top 3 pages. And that is a particular scenario only if a user is patient enough to make efforts for those three clicks! Not just that, statistics indicate that the majority of users are most likely to click on the first five suggestions in SERPs. Hence, procuring SEO experts or a list of top-ranking SEO companies in the world can come in handy. Good Firms knows the importance of hiring search engine optimization companies for all small, medium, and large businesses and has therefore curated a list from the rankings of best SEO firms in the USA and across the world.

Here is the list:

Always Digital Marketing



Lounge Lizard


How to get search engine traffic without backlinks?

How to Increase Your Search Traffic Without Building Links

Getting search engine traffic without backlinks is possible. The key to getting this traffic is to write about topics which aren’t talked about enough. This comes down to doing a bit of keyword research to find your topics.

Doing keyword research is done in many different ways. After you have done it yourself many times, you will find a rhythm that works best for you. Some methods require using paid tools, but most often it can be done for free just by learning how to use Google differently.

SEMRush is the best paid tool for keyword reseach.
For free, you can use

Please follow the following steps:
– Need to work on complete on site seo
– Find the best keyword research
– Start wiring artilces on those keywords
– Update it on the website Page and blog section
– Make bold main keywords
– Add proper meta title on that landing page
– Add proper meta description on that landing page
– Add related image on that page with the alt tag
– Write on those search terms which shows on google webmaster search query

At “Always Digital Marketing” we help you optimize your business websites for maximum web exposure for top SERPs. Let us connect to know more.